DEXi HTML Evaluator:
Running DEXi models in Web browsers

Version 1.0


DEXi HTML Evaluator is a software package for using DEXi models in web browsers. Once a qualitative multi-attribute model has been developed with the DEXi software, it can be exported and included in a dynamic HTML document. When viewed by any common web browser, the document allows the user to enter and evaluate a single option (decision alternative) at a time. Supported are several modes of data entry (select boxes, radio buttons, check buttons) and treatments of unknown/uncertain/multiple input values.

The dynamic HTML document is strictly client-side. Apart from loading the necessary JavaScript libraries (jQuery.js and DEXi.js), all processing is carried out locally and does not involve any servers.


Demo DEXi model for the evaluation of cars, normally distributed with the DEXi software.


The DEXi HTML Evaluator software package consists of:


To set up your own DEXi HTML Evaluator document, proceed as follows:

  1. Develop your own model in DEXi software. DEXi version 5.02 or later is required.
  2. From DEXi, save it (File/Save as...), requesting the JavaScript format, to a file, say, MyModel.js.
  3. From extract the template document DEXiHTML.html and rename it to MyModel.html.
  4. Edit MyModel.html using your text editor. Where indicated, change "[some path...]Car.js" to "MyModel.js" (and add your path, if necessary).
  5. Open MyModel.html in your browser. It should work instantly.


DEXi HTML Evaluator is free software. A non-exclusive license is granted to anyone to use the software for any legal purposes for an unlimited period of time. The software can be copied and distributed under the condition that the original copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty will stay intact and no money or fees are charged for the software.

If you use this software for any purpose, an acknowledgment in your product and an informative message to the author would be greatly appreciated.

Copyright © 2016 Marko Bohanec. All rights reserved.

Last update: February 12, 2016